We provide a wide range of Services
AR-RAHMAN offers the following services:
Equipment Supply Services
In partnership with Jutal Equipment Machinery Company Limited, we have the capability to supply the following oil and gas processing equipment; Oil Treatment Equipment Oil/Water/Gas Separation Electrostatic Coalescers Gas Boot / Degasser Gas Treatment Equipment Dehydration TEG Regeneration Gas Sweeting Fuel Gas Treatment Scrubber Produced water Treatment Equipment Hydrocyclone Gas Flotation Skimmer
Benefits of HydrocycloneDeoiler
•Can treat high inlet loads, >1%. Good for upsets •O-I-W Outlet <40mg/l, can be as low as 15mg/l •Removes oil droplets down to 10-20microns •No moving parts, minimal maintenance •Compact vessels, small footprint •Well proven technology Feed Pump Skid Sand management Equipment DesanderHydrocyclone Package •Can treat high inlet loads, >1%. Good for upsets •Removes solids efficiently down to 15microns •No moving parts, minimal maintenance •Compact vessels, small footprint •Well proven technology Non-invasive production testing using clamp-on Multiphase flow meter.
Slickline Services
AR-RAHMAN provides qualified and experienced personnel on a consultancy basis to ensure that slickline operations are well planned. We also ensure that the right tools are deployed and all surface equipment is fully certified and their certification status is adequately documented and traceable to national and international standards. We also supervise field operations and ensure that approved standards are followed and all safety and quality requirements are complied with. We also ensure that data acquisition is performed under controlled conditions so that data collected during such operations are representative and analyzable. Services Include •BHP Test •Well Integrity test •Wax Cutting •SCSSV Retrieval & Installation •Gaslift Valve Retrieval & Installation •Zone Change •Swabbing •Fishing •Plugging & Unplugging •Well Completion •Bottom Hole Sampling.